
Survivorā€™s Benefit is paid to the qualified survivors of a deceased insured person.

Survivorsā€™ Benefit is paid in the form of a Pension or a Grant.

Who can qualify for a Survivorā€™s Benefit?

  • The widow of a deceased person*
  • The widower of a deceased insured person*
  • The children of a deceased insured person (a child under the age of 15 years and if in full-time education under the age of 21).

*husband and wife or a single man living with a single woman in the same household for at least 3 years (proof is required).

What are the qualifying contribution conditions for Survivorā€™s Pension?

The deceased insured person must have paidĀ at least 250 contributions (5 years)

How is a Survivorā€™s Pension calculated?

  • A widow or widower Survivorā€™s Pension is calculated at 2/3 of the Age Pension earned up to the death of the insured person.
  • An orphanā€™s pension is calculated at 2/3 of the widow/widower Survivorā€™s pension.
  • Childrenā€™s pension is calculated at 1/3 of the widow/widower Survivorā€™s Pension.

What are the qualifying contribution conditions for Survivorā€™s Grant?

The deceased insured person must have paidĀ at least 50 contributions (1 year) but less than 250 contributions (5 years).

How is Survivorā€™s Grant calculated?Ā 

  • A widow or widower Survivorā€™s Grant is calculated at 2/3 of the Age Grant earned up to the death of the insured person.
  • An orphanā€™s grant is calculated at 2/3 of the widow/widower Survivorā€™s Grant.
  • Childrenā€™s grant is calculated at 1/3 of the widow/widower Survivorā€™s Grant.

Can Survivorā€™s and Invalidity or Age benefits can be paid concurrently?

Effective January 2009, If you qualify for a Survivorā€™s benefit, and you are in receipt and/or qualify for an Invalidity or Age benefit you will receive the Invalidity or Age benefit and half of the Survivorā€™s benefit.

How to claim for Survivorā€™s Benefit?

Complete and submit theĀ Survivorā€™s Benefit Claim Formto the Social Security Office within 3 monthsĀ of the death.

Attach the following documents:

  • Death Certificate
  • Birth Certificates of all beneficiaries
  • If a child is over 15 years, a letter from the principal of the educational institution verifying that the child is attending full-time.

*A claim for Survivorā€™s Benefit must be filed with 3 months from the death of the qualified person.

*Insured persons who have met the qualifying contribution conditions will receive Survivorā€™s Benefit wherever in the world they are.